Tracy Allison Altman


muscle car by bing/create
Is AI getting closer to human values? It’s no secret that algorithms can produce systemically biased recommendations, such as in lending decisions. Some good news: A team at Anthropic tested the hypothesis that “language models trained with reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) have the capability to ‘morally self-correct’ — to avoid producing harmful outputs...
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person in silhouette with orange background, pondering AI input for an evidence based decision
Where were you on 30 November, 2022? When OpenAI made ChatGPT vers. 3.5 generally available? By some accounts, the heavens opened up, showering us with new knowledge and tools for creating valuable content. Five months on, consumer-facing, generative AI has started a frenzy, and is often confused with “artificial intelligence” ~ although it’s but one...
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image generated by bing image creator bottle on apothecary shelf
Continuing our analysis of how the new bots are supporting their statements with evidence. Things are changing so rapidly that some of the responses we wrote about just several weeks ago have changed substantially. Today we look at ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, and scite. Bing shines with its presentation design. ChatGPT. When we ask Should I take zinc for...
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The Hustle recently asked Should we automate the CEO? And the question isn’t facetious: Instead Zachary Crockett walks us through data showing many CEOs earn ~300X the pay of an average worker, and more than a few run underperforming companies. ” Tasks ripe for automation include reviewing forecasts and sending emails; some experts believe 40%...
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reference to Google's Bard AI and Microsoft's Bing AI compared to conflict at Sopranos Bada Bing
Now that machines are answering questions and making decisions, it’s essential that people and AI get on the same page when citing evidence. What sources are considered acceptable? Where should citations be presented (inline, in conventional bibliographies, or…)? Should data/analysis be simply referenced, or transparently included in supporting data sets? Here we look at state-of-the-art...
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finger pointing
People and artificial intelligence work together, sometimes quite nicely, on insurance underwriting, medical diagnosis, customer experience. (Plus autonomous vehicles, until some dude crashes his Tesla.) This is the Human+AI hybrid we often talk about at Museum of AI. Humans have varying levels of awareness, input, or control over an AI system. Evidence suggests these factors...
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action->outcome in PepperSlice
Ugly Research offers a new guide, Promoting Evidence-Based Insights. Practical tips for presenting content with four essential characteristics: Top-line, evidence-based, bite-size, and reusable. Communicate quickly and powerfully by demonstrating value to decision makers. Show how A → B. So people don’t think tl;dr or MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over), be sure to emphasize insights that...
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data visualization of crime statistics using Tableau
Technology helps us discover meaningful patterns: Buying behavior, criminal activity, health effects. But when we succumb to pretty pictures and mindless measurement, shiny data fails to help answer important questions. Source: Tableau. This data visualization tool would be great for someone seeking crime stats – say, for law enforcement or house buying. But it doesn’t...
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1. “A gut is a personal, nontransferable attribute, which increases the value of a good one.” This classic from Harvard Business Review recaps how policy makers have historically made big decisions. It’s never just about the data. A Brief History of Decision Making. 2. A reminder to look for the nonobvious. This analysis examines differences...
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man and woman about to feed each other
1. It’s tempting to think there’s a hierarchy for data: That evidence from high-quality experiments is on top at Level 1, and other research findings follow thereafter. But even in healthcare – the gold standard for the “gold standard” – it’s not that simple, says NICE in The NICE Way: Lessons for Social Policy and...
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Museum musings.

Pondering the places where people interact with artificial intelligence: Collaboration on evidence-based decision-making, automation of data-driven processes, machine learning, things like that.

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person in silhouette with orange background, pondering AI input for an evidence based decision
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Can you trust AI with your next decision? Part 3 in a series on fact-checking/citation
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How is generative AI referencing sources? Part 2 in our series
15 March 2023
Can AI replace your CEO?
reference to Google's Bard AI and Microsoft's Bing AI compared to conflict at Sopranos Bada Bing
28 February 2023
What’s state-of-the-art when an AI cites sources of evidence? Part 1 in our series
finger pointing
19 August 2021
How to blame a robot for mistakes: Do your finger pointing properly.