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Burning news

NoPro's Danielle Look reviews immersive performances at Denver Fringe
The San Francisco Standard interviewed Tracy Allison Altman, the founder and executive director of the Museum of AI.
June 8-11: Join us and 50+ shows at the 4th annual Fringe Festival in RINO/Five Points.
Museum of AI installation addresses role of AI in cybersecurity
Your Instinct Still Matters – Why Data Alone Isn’t Enough to Drive Decisions
Tracy Altman presenting "Cutting Through the Clutter of Complex Data: : A New SciComm Mindset"
Museum Executive Director, Tracy Allison Altman, interview
3 speakers at NySci AI Conference
Artificial Intelligence Literacy

Oct 20, 2023 | NySci Humanistic Approaches to Artificial Intelligence Literacy Through Informal Learning

Museum of AI founder and Chief Curator, Tracy Allison Altman, was invited to participate at the groundbreaking New York Hall of Science (NySci) conference: Humanistic Approaches to Artificial Intelligence Literacy Through Informal Learning. Guests and presenters included AI teams from Google, IBM, Facebook, and other technology firms plus directors and experience designers from museums across the United States.

AI designers, learning scientists, researchers, formal and informal educators, youth development experts, and science center and industry professionals gathered in Queens, New York with the aim of identifying core areas of opportunity for advancing AI literacy and promoting youth agency through informal learning experiences.

Name: Tracy Altman, Founder
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: (720) 515-7230
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

AI Spy with My ChatGPT Eye postcard showing drawing of typewriter and ticketing QR code
NoPro Denver correspondent, Danielle Look, puts the spotlight on stellar work.

June 28, 2023 | No Pro reviews Museum of AI performance at Denver Fringe

Danielle Look was able to see six of the nine immersive shows at the 2023 Denver Finge, and they each brought something different to the table. Here is her review of “AI Spy with My ChatGPT Eye.”


Funniest: AI Spy with My ChatGPT Eye

Presented by The Museum of AI

Kicking off with a fun and relevant “waiting” activity, participants were quizzed on The Museum of AI’s collection of “AI artifacts” in the lobby. When it was time to begin, we entered a screenwriting war room to find coffee-stained scripts strewn about and a suspicious amount of Taylor Swift memorabilia tacked to the walls. A stressed writer sat hunched over his typewriter.

Struggling with writer’s block, he filled us in on the parameters of the scene, split us into two groups, and asked us to deliver an “award-winning” script. At the screenwriter’s request, my assigned colleague and I sat at the workstation to type out a ChatGPT prompt in alignment with the scene specifics. We even threw in a few wild cards to spice it up. Both teams were interrupted a few times by the screenwriter’s strong hinting regarding elements in the room, which were nudges to include certain details, such as inserting product placement within the scene.

What we ended up with were two somewhat similar, but hilariously different stories that took less than ten minutes to write using AI. Each team read their scripts in character, which conjured up tons of laughs from both teams (There were also lots of laughs when “writing” the scenes, too).

The end result was an authentic engagement with ChatGPT that demonstrated how you could technically use ChatGPT to write a screenplay, but also how absurd AI can be, and that any kind of creative work needs a human’s touch.

Bonus: Since the screenplay was such a hit and went straight to Hollywood, we each got a celebratory bag of popcorn as a thank you.


Name: Tracy Altman, Founder
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: (720) 515-7230
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

museum front desk with magnifying glass focused on postcard
The five tenets of fringe festivals: open access, unjuried, uncensored, original work and the majority of ticket sales go to the performers

June 2, 2023 | Museum of AI installation at Denver Fringe Immersive HQ

In Ann Sabbah’s interview, the founder and executive director of the Denver Fringe Festival, was inspired by the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the largest and oldest fringe festival in the world. Her goal is to create a lasting impact for Denver and its communities by providing a platform for creative expression and experimentation. One of the shows that Ann recommends is “AI Spy with My ChatGPT Eye”, a Museum of AI immersive theater performance that explores the themes of human + AI creativity. The show invites the audience to interact with a live actor and a chatbot to develop a movie script. It’s a playful and provocative experiment that challenges the assumptions and expectations of both humans and machines.

Name: Tracy Altman, Founder
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: (720) 515-7230
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Museum artifact - AI chip on couch

April 28, 2023 | The role of museums in AI education

Tracy Altman, Founder and Executive Director of the Museum of AI, shared in an interview with The San Francisco Standard, how the museum engages visitors with fun and engaging pop-up performances and AI salons. The museum aims to demystify AI technology without intimidating visitors or making them feel like they will be replaced by robots.

According to Altman, AI is not inherently good or evil, nor does it possess sentience. She emphasized that humans are responsible for the development and implementation of AI, which is simply a string of code, subject to human flaws.

Denver Fringe Festival logo

March 28, 2023 | Museum of AI premiering immersive experience at Denver Fringe Festival 2023

Executive Director Tracy Altman announced that Museum of AI will produce its newest immersive experience – “AI Spy with My ChatGPT Eye” – for attendees of the Denver Fringe Festival 2023, taking place from June 8-11.

“Museum of AI is pleased to announce that we will have multiple daily shows at Denver Fringe Immersive HQ. Denver is a hot immersive city and AI is a red hot topic. Guests can view AI artifacts in the museum lobby, play games and win prizes, and then immerse themselves in a thrilling new experience that provides an exciting and insightful look into the world of AI,” said Altman.

Name: Jeff Altman, VP Operations
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Illustration by Ricardo Santos

robot head facing human head

Museum of AI presents new artifact collection, immersive experience at Denver Sports Castle

Museum unveils new artificial intelligence artifacts and Bot or Not game

November 5, 2022 | Museum of AI presents new artifact collection, immersive experience at Denver Sports Castle

Museum of AI unveils new exhibits in its collection of ancient artificial intelligence artifacts. Visitors can view the entire collection in the museum lobby, and play the new “Bot or Not” game to explore the technology underlying each artifact.

Next, visitors join an actor-led story, “Cookin’ with AI” Season 2, that brings practical AI applications to life. The museum’s immersive theater experiences use light-hearted, interactive stories & props to show how people can work with real-world artificial intelligence.

“The Museum of AI mission is to demystify artificial intelligence so everyone can see how to benefit from this important technology,” says founder and Executive Director Tracy Allison Altman, “Set at the Sports Castle, this show re-energizes an iconic Denver building, employs local artists and creators, and explains AI technology to a wide audience.”


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Museum of AI curates, collects, and communicates evidence about artificial intelligence.

Name: Tracy Altman, Founder
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Illustration by Ricardo Santos

Denver Immersive Gathering 2022 graphic

Museum of AI presents "Cookin’ with AI", Season 2 at DIG 2022

Museum installation addresses the role of AI in television and food production

September 29, 2022 | Museum of AI will produce immersive experience at DIG 2022

Executive Director Tracy Altman announced that the museum will produce an immersive theater experience for attendees of the Denver Immersive Gathering industry conference on November 5, 2022.

Previews are November 3, 2022 between 5-7pm. Interested in attending? Drop us a line at

Museum of AI creates interactive experiences, live and virtual, exploring how people can work with artificial intelligence.

Name: Tracy Altman, Founder
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Illustration by Ricardo Santos

Salesforce blog image by Ricardo Santos

Tracy Altman interviewed for Salesforce Thought Leadership blog

Discusses the role of instinct + data as a leadership skill

DENVER, October 20, 2021/Museum of AI/- Tracy Allison Altman, museum Executive Director, quoted in latest Salesforce blog post “Your Instinct Still Matters – Why Data Alone Isn’t Enough to Drive Decisions.

Ari Bendersky, Contributing Editor, interviewed Tracy Altman as an expert source on the roles of data and instinct in leadership decision-making.  Quotes include:

“Mature decision making requires defining a repeatable process. The process should bring in meaningful data and also the intangible, anecdotal, and qualitative information influencing a decision. It’s not really gut instinct; it’s a highly sophisticated cognitive exercise that should not be underestimated.”

“Although we are blessed with rich data, a crucial leadership skill is developing instincts for incorporating facts into decisions.”


Is Data Always Right? Leaders Balance Research and Instinct | Salesforce


Robot blaming, guide to working with algos, and AI Fitness


Hello Friend,

Today we look at three aspects of Human+AI collaboration. First, the evidence on how we blame robots for mistakes. Next, a practical guide to designing people+algo decision-making processes. Thirdly, we consider a business leader’s level of AI Fitness – a way of describing the skills required for AI success.

Speaking of suspected bad robots, Hollywood released a movie featuring a good-hearted AI that teaches humans to be more optimistic and kind. Grab the fam or a friend and go see Free Guy (Alex Trebek and Chris Hemsworth have cameos). You will find yourself wanting to wear a blue shirt.

So let’s apportion some blame, shall we?

Finger pointing, robot blaming.
Emerging research examines how people assign blame when an algorithm makes a mistake. In Human Factors, Furlough and friends look at how we view imperfect Human+AI outcomes and apportion blame to humans, nonautonomous or autonomous robots, and environmental factors/conditions. 
The authors “suggest that humans use a hierarchy of blame in which robots are seen as partial social actors, with the degree to which people view them as social actors depending on the degree of autonomy.” 

So your Human+AI hybrid went pear-shaped. When humans have little awareness or control over an algo, we rush to judgment and assign blame asymmetrically. Writing in Risk Analysis about semi-autonomous vehicles, Liu et al. explain a tendency to judge an “automation-caused crash more harshly, ascribe more blame and responsibility to automation and its creators, and think the victim in this crash should be compensated more.”

Read more about finger pointing here.

toy robot

Twelve great ways to work with an algo

Understandably, much of the AI conversation centers around algorithms that make decisions for us, or about us. But many important choices can be collaborative, allowing people and machines to perform tasks together: Insurance underwriting and customer service, to name two.

Going back to autonomous vehicles. When the rubber hits the road, people+algo collaboration is much more nuanced than “You can drive” or “Give me the keys”. In an especially worrisome scenario, it devolves into a tense exchange about the best way to reach the airport in heavy traffic.

Who should take the wheel? To illustrate possible levels of Human+AI collaboration, we put together examples from the perspective of someone sharing control with a so-called self-driving car. View/download 12 Ways People & AI Work Together. Varying level of human awareness, input, and control determine who sets the speed or plans the route.

AI Fitness: Get ready for new ways of deciding

Technical knowledge is foundational. But knowing when & why to apply AI can mean the difference between mission failure and success. It’s helpful to think of this essential knowledge as AI Fitness, meaning capability to recognize and adapt to situations where artificial intelligence can inform decision-making.

What do you think? Achieving a suitable AI Fitness level is no small feat. Understanding high-quality decision processes is just the beginning. Knowing how to connect AI actions with business outcomes is another key component. What other foundational skills and experience are essential for AI Fitness? Let us know.


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ISMPP logo
ISMPP 2021 European Meeting Agenda

ISMPP Conference: Tracy Altman presenting on the clutter of complex data

Museum Executive Director invited to speak

DENVER, December 16, 2020/Museum of AI/- The Museum of AI is pleased to announce that Tracy Allison Altman, museum Executive Director, has been invite to speak at the 2021 European Meeting of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP)

On January 26, 2021, Tracy will be joining an expert panel for a session focused on “Informatics and Data Visualisation: Harnessing the Power of Data.” Attendees will gain insight into applications of Medical informatics. This area is a dynamic and rapidly growing field sitting at the intersection of healthcare and technology that has emerged to manage the exploding volume of biomedical data available in public databases and in the academic literature.


2021 European Meeting of ISMPP Agenda


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Write a poem, explain AI, rethink virtual events | News from Museum of AI

Denver, Nov 25, 2020

Bienvenidos. Welcome.
Museum of AI is happy to announce a new online experience: Guided by actors, visitors learn AI concepts and solve challenges in a game-like, escape-room environment. See the sneak preview.
We will blend our experience content with gathering apps such as MmhmmGatherZoomUnderline Science, and Whova. And I’m pleased to be a ‘private alpha’ host for an intriguing new app called Nowhere.

Explaining AI, 2021 edition.

Preparing for a couple of upcoming talks, we’re thinking about innovative ways of explaining AI to decision-makers.

1. Reframe the online event. With artificial intelligence and virtual events booming, we still see an urgent, unmet need to explain AI effectively. WFH has encouraged many to go beyond the PowerPoint webinar. But let’s not try replicating the face-to-face experience because a) it’s not possible, and b) we can create new forms of interacting that would not happen in meatspace (should we bring it back? We’re tired of ‘virtual’ and ‘IRL’). Clever content now will give us a leg up when hybrid events start happening.

2. Avoid another hayride. Better to engage people by challenging them and nurturing connections with a shared experience. Comedy and escape rooms are useful and desirable. But the real opportunity is attaching them to meaningful content before, during, and after People will walk away with a deeper understanding of AI concepts ~ and a smile on their face. For instance: What should decision-makers do when an AI goes off the rails? Restrict/ban its use, or repair/improve it? Pull them into a realistic, hands-on example wrapped in an appealing story.

Hear about practical ways to create state-of-the-art immersive experiences suitable for an executive audience. We invite you to join our ED’s talk: Build a Better Virtual Tech Conference: Laugh First, Learn Later on Wednesday, December 2 @ 2:00 pm Eastern. Register now for this free event. Next month we’ll share new trends in communicating AI-generated evidence.

Hello darkness, my old friend. Will AI unite us in the end?

AI poetry contest! The museum is curating a collection of poems about artificial intelligence, and we want to hear yours! The best one wins a gorgeous water bottle. Any type of poem, really – limericks are good!

Send your verse to, or tweet it, or post on Instagram, and tag @MuseumofAI #moaipoem.

To kick things off, we offer hAIku:
What is in my past / That will decide my future / Do I have a choice

Photo credit: Miguel Henriques on Unsplash

Subscribe to Museum of AI news

How it feels to work with human-in-the-loop AI | News from Museum of AI

Denver, Sep 30, 2020

Hello museum enthusiasts!

I feel AI impacting here!

Tune in Tomorrow is one of my favorite movies (sadly overlooked). Stellar satire about a radio show, starring Peter Falk and a young Keanu Reeves. The best line: “I feel reality impacting here!”

That sums 2020 up for me. Art can reveal what technology alone cannot, the concept behind Museum of AIcore strategy: Combining a low-fi immersive storytelling aesthetic with rigorous AI learning objectives. For instance, one museum experience considers whether AI is the devil’s handmaiden (a ridiculous idea, at least until Lucifer codes his own algo).

So many things.

People and machines can work together in many ways. Key considerations are: Who decides what qualifies as an ‘exception’? Who sets the guardrails? And who makes the final call? Human+AI collaboration on decision making, also known as human-in-the-loop AI or augmented intelligence, can be split into finely-grained categories. Industry leaders have offered so many tablesanalysesarticles, and matrices!

What examples would you find helpful in explaining augmented intelligence to your audience? With our partners, we are illustrating concrete Human+AI use cases, everything from recommending a health intervention to marketing a new TV series.

AI + Justice = ?

The museum team is organizing an online Good Question gathering to examine the pluses/minuses of artificial intelligence in the criminal justice system. Agenda items include a review of pretrial risk-assessment algorithms and research on their validity. Stay tuned for your invite to attend at no charge. Who would you like to hear from? Do you want to give a talk?

Security team takeover! Finally, inspired by #hashtagTheCowboy at the National Cowboy Museum (and their funky 3D tour), we’ve gone live with the security cams watching over our AI artifacts.

Until next time,
Executive Director

P.S. RIP Ari the standard poodle, MoAI Head of Security and beloved friend.

Photo credit: Tamara Gore and Andres Hernandez on Unsplash

Museum of AI creates interactive experiences, live and virtual, exploring how people can work with artificial intelligence.

Name: Jeff Altman, VP Operations
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Good Question: New series on all things AI | News from Museum of AI

Denver, September 1, 2020

Hello friends! These certainly are interesting times for artificial intelligence, and for museums. We are doubly blessed. Museum of AI is dedicated to showing people what it’s like to work with real-world machine intelligence, hopefully without sucking the fun out of it.

The need to figure out AI is accelerating. While our live events are postponed, we are creating online experiences true to our actor-led, tongue-in-cheek aesthetic. The possibilities give this pandemic cloud a silver lining.

Good Question: New series on all things AI.

I am proud to say Museum of AI is launching a series of gatherings, each exploring a Good Question about business, science, or policy. Questions will be tackled by creators and practitioners, policy-makers, business execs, researchers, community members, and hopefully you.
Expect unique, interactive content about pressing issues: Evidence-based analysis, thoughtful insights, and nuanced answers. The gatherings will be online for now.

Good Question #1: ‘Does AI belong in crime prevention?‘ Stay tuned for an announcement. Future events will address:

‘How should policy-makers respond to broken or flawed AI?’
‘Which AI applications are most promising for cities of the future?’

Let us know what you’d like to ask.

Hi! We have a free newsletter.
Get insights about the Human+AI future.


Focus area for MoAI: Technology designed to work with people, rather than replace them, a/k/a Human+AI collaboration or augmented intelligence. This is where humans and machines do what they do best, together making better decisions and producing better outcomes. Museum Executive Director, Tracy Allison Altman, wrote recently about how House Hunters is similar to human-in-the-loop AI.

Collaborate, don’t collide, with AI

Savor the newest flavors of Human+AI collaboration. Sign up to receive our guide, 12 Ways People & AI Work Together.

Bloomfire Q&A: The Future of AI, Interactive B2B Learning, and More

Museum Executive Director, Tracy Allison Altman, interview

Denver, July 9, 2020/Museum of AI/- In a Q&A with enterprise knowledge-sharing vendor Bloomfire, Museum of AI’s Executive Director, Tracy Allison Altman, touched on several topics including the future of knowledge at work, human-AI interaction, and challenges facing business decision-makers.

On the future of knowledge at work, Tracy said:
“I believe that as AI gets smarter and better at explaining itself, the strongest people will learn from that and develop a better understanding of how to make systematic, high-quality decisions. They will thrive, contribute more value, and learn to explain the knowledge that’s rigorous and understandable.”

“Technology will continue to eliminate drudgery and dull, repeatable tasks with tools such as robotic process automation (RPA). This should free people up to capture and share the knowledge that’s most important, the stuff the machines can’t do on their own. I hope people will be inspired to create new ways to present knowledge, to make it more understandable, accessible, and reusable.”

On knowledge and decision-making:
“It’s incredibly difficult to understand how people know what they know and decide what they decide. Oftentimes we don’t or can’t articulate this to others, and sometimes we don’t understand it ourselves.”

“It’s equally difficult, and just as important, to understand how machines “know” what they know, and how algorithms make recommendations or choices.” 

Photo credit: Madeline Jacobson – Bloomfire

Announcing the AI Artifacts Collection

Museum of AI is dedicated to documenting the evolution of artificial intelligence capabilities, limitations, and impact: Capturing the whole AI story.
The museum is archiving artifacts of illustrative moments, places, and policies. Quick example: When IBM Watson responded “What is Toronto?” to a Jeopardy! question about U.S. cities. The archive is gaining steam and getting great suggestions. Let us know what you’d like to see.

About Accessibility.

Our experiential installations show how it feels to see, touch, and work with AI. We always want to maintain accessibility when choosing the props, improv comedians, puzzle parts, and funky sets for our experiences. Museum of AI has formed an advisory group to address accessibility issues: Let us know if you are interested.

Photo credit: Marja van Bochove

Museum of AI creates interactive experiences, live and virtual, exploring how people can work with artificial intelligence.

Name: Jeff Altman, VP Operations
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Immerse in Access: Create welcoming, affirmative spaces and experiences for all patrons.

Museum of AI at Immersive Denver's accessibility workshop

Denver, Jan 27, 2020/Museum of AI/- Museum of AI co-founder Jeff Altman participated in Immersive Denver‘s workshop, Immerse in Access on Jan 27, hosted by the Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ Off-Center.

Jeff said “The Museum of AI wants everyone to enjoy our installations. We always seek to design accessibility into our guest flow, storytelling, puzzles, props, and sets. This workshop helped us realize how much more we can do. As a result, the museum is forming an advisory group to address accessibility issues and welcomes input from anyone interested.”

Immersive Denver compiled this accessibility guide and resources.

Stephanie Wolf, Arts Reporter for Colorado Public Radio, covered the event. Read Stephanie’s post here. The DCPA wrote about the event here.

Photo credit: Stephanie Wolf

Museum of AI opens satellite at data science conference

Immersive popup at ODSC West

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 28, 2019/Museum of AI/- The Museum of AI is delighted to announce a satellite installation at ODSC West (Open Data Science Conference) in South San Francisco, CA on Oct 29. Tracy Altman, Executive Director, said “Thousands of data scientists gather at ODSC to share research, explore innovative technology, and make new connections. It’s a perfect setting for Museum of AI.”

Altman said the immersive theater popup will showcase the museum’s Cookin’ with AI production, where guests consider the impact of artificial intelligence on food and cooking. “Expect escape room-type challenges, interactions with improv comedians, and hands-on AI experiences” she explained.

The museum’s permanent collection of artifacts documents the development of artificial intelligence and its influence on the decisions that impact people’s lives. A sample of these artifacts will be displayed in the popup museum lobby at ODSC.

Museum of AI creates interactive experiences, live and virtual, exploring how people can work with artificial intelligence.

Name: Jeff Altman, VP Operations
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI

Museum of AI is demystifying artificial intelligence with experiential learning

Popup museum where people see, touch, work with real AI

DENVER, Apr. 22, 2019/Museum of AI/- Tracy Allison Altman announced the Museum of AI, offering experiential installations where people learn about artificial intelligence: “Think 33% immersive experience and 67% rigorous AI learning. Museum of AI is the culmination of years of applied research. Our mission is to build understanding: We provide a compelling, hands-on way for artificial intelligence vendors to show people how they can apply their technology.”

Altman, museum Executive Director, said “We’ve put together a stellar team of artists, writers, puzzle masters, technologists, and educators to create experiential learning programs. Exhibits at Museum of AI bring complex concepts into focus so people can experience them firsthand.” Participants interact with game-driven challenges, immersive theater, and rigorous technical content integrating real-world AI products.

Museum of AI creates interactive experiences, live and virtual, exploring how people can work with artificial intelligence.

Name: Jeff Altman, VP Operations
Company: Museum of AI
Phone: 415.985.4479
Twitter: @MuseumofAI