decision analysis


muscle car by bing/create
Is AI getting closer to human values? It’s no secret that algorithms can produce systemically biased recommendations, such as in lending decisions. Some good news: A team at Anthropic tested the hypothesis that “language models trained with reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) have the capability to ‘morally self-correct’ — to avoid producing harmful outputs...
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person in silhouette with orange background, pondering AI input for an evidence based decision
Where were you on 30 November, 2022? When OpenAI made ChatGPT vers. 3.5 generally available? By some accounts, the heavens opened up, showering us with new knowledge and tools for creating valuable content. Five months on, consumer-facing, generative AI has started a frenzy, and is often confused with “artificial intelligence” ~ although it’s but one...
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The Hustle recently asked Should we automate the CEO? And the question isn’t facetious: Instead Zachary Crockett walks us through data showing many CEOs earn ~300X the pay of an average worker, and more than a few run underperforming companies. ” Tasks ripe for automation include reviewing forecasts and sending emails; some experts believe 40%...
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What is a fun experience really about? I’ve gained new perspective from Fun, Taste, & Games: An Aesthetics of the Idle, Unproductive, and Otherwise Playful (MIT Press). I have first-hand knowledge that the authors, John Sharp (Parsons/New School) and David Thomas, are in fact, fun: They would probably join you at Casa Bonita*. John and...
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Since my work is about humans+AI deciding together, I attended DAAG 2019 in beautiful downtown Denver, exploring the “intersection of decision analysis and data science to take decision-making to the next level.” The intent was for decision analysts to better understand data science and “support data-centric decision-making” while data scientists could better “guide the use...
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silver corded microphone in shallow focus photography
Jerry Seinfeld was wrong when he claimed public speaking is our #1 fear. I’m pretty sure we’re more afraid of having our decisions scrutinized. Adding to the fun, now algorithmic decisions are under pressure too. It is rather painful to have decisions second-guessed before the numbers come in, and even worse if things go pear-shaped....
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shopper looking thru department store merchandise
To paraphrase Raymond Chandler, too many projects deliver department store data: The most of everything but the best of nothing. Enterprise AI and analytics developers must avoid the mistake of underserving people by overengineering solutions. Designers and decision makers need straightforward tools to make them better, to save time and facilitate their best work. They...
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As data complexity grows, so does the importance of explaining. The philosophy of science can teach us about the role of explaining in high-quality, evidence-based decisions. It’s not just navel-gazing: An explanation is a statement that makes something clear, or a reason or justification given for an action or belief. It describes “a set of...
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quantamentalist, man holding playing card
Quantamental is an investment strategy combining quantitative and fundamental methods. Data and algorithms have “prompted many traditional fundamentals-centered discretionary funds to integrate data-driven tools in day-to-day decision-making.” MarketWatch says the quantamental merger of computing power and human expertise is investing’s next frontier. Example: Active trading based on a particular blend of conventional balance sheets and...
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data visualization of crime statistics using Tableau
Technology helps us discover meaningful patterns: Buying behavior, criminal activity, health effects. But when we succumb to pretty pictures and mindless measurement, shiny data fails to help answer important questions. Source: Tableau. This data visualization tool would be great for someone seeking crime stats – say, for law enforcement or house buying. But it doesn’t...
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Museum musings.

Pondering the places where people interact with artificial intelligence: Collaboration on evidence-based decision-making, automation of data-driven processes, machine learning, things like that.

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